#14: BONUS EPISODE- Cycles + Sex
Schedule: https://www.cyclesandsex.com/schedule/
Speakers: https://www.cyclesandsex.com/speakers/
Marketplace: https://www.cyclesandsex.com/marketplace/
This event is the first time that thought leaders and innovators in the industry will be under one roof and communicating with the public. Speakers include but are not limited to; Emmy-award winner Ricki Lake and filmmaker Abby Epstein, celebrated activist Ericka Hart, former Daily Show writer and founder of The Lady Parts Justice League Lizz Winstead, co-founder of Well + Good Melisse Gelula and more.
The event is brought to us by Brilliant Bodies founders, Ashley Spivak and Natalia Hailes, and Lauren Bille; activist, community builder and founding parter of the Big Quiet with support from BOBB Films’ Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein and The Pleasure Chest.
Some interesting topics the event will address are:
- All you need to know about Egg Freezing at Egg Freezing 101.
- Hormonal vs. Non-Hormonal birth control – hear both sides of the story and decide what’s best for you.
- Suffering from Endometriosis? PCOS? Cysts? PMS? Painful periods? Painful Sex? - Find out why and what you can do about it.
- Period Sex – all you need to know about it.
- Ricki Lake + Abby Epstein will be around for Q&A’s – and previewing a sneak peak of their new hormonal birth control documentary.
- The Pleasure Chest will have sex-ed programming all day long. Only $10 for tickets.
- All you need to know about female orgasms from the woman who made the internal clitoris famous.