#17: BONUS EPISODE- World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2017



World Menstrual Hygiene Day Giveaway - May 28th! 

Some of our period positive friends are donating products for us to help celebrate World Menstrual Hygiene day! We'll be selecting the winners on May 31st, but you can enter now! I know what you're thinking, "How do I get this free loot?"

You can enter in 3 ways!

1. Like, follow and repost the photo with the hashtag #ThePeriodical.

2. Like, follow and tag your bestie for a chance for both of you to win!

3. Subscribe and write a review for The Periodical on iTunes.  Email hello@love-xx.com a screenshot of your review.

Feel free to do all 3 methods to triple your chances!

Connect with Period, start a chapter, or donate below.  Every $2 addresses 1 more period. 


#15: BONUS EPISODE- Cycles + Sex Recap!

The Periodical
Alisa Vitti + Jessie Braun

Alisa Vitti + Jessie Braun

Alisa Vitti with The Periodical Podcast Host Jessie Braun
Jessie interviews Dr. Eden Fromberg

Jessie interviews Dr. Eden Fromberg

Cycles + Sex Founders (Lauren Bille, Ashley Spivak, and Natalia Hailes) with Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein

Cycles + Sex Founders (Lauren Bille, Ashley Spivak, and Natalia Hailes) with Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein

This episode features an interview with the author of Woman Code, Founder of FLO Living, and Cycles + Sex keynote speaker Alissa Vitti! Jessie and Trey review the Cycles + Sex event. They also speak about the upcoming documentary, Sweetening the Pill, from Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein. Listen to the end to hear about our upcoming giveaway!

Alisa Vitti's Favorite Snack: http://www.clifbar.com/products/clif/kit-s-organic

#14: BONUS EPISODE- Cycles + Sex

Screen Shot 2017-04-24 at 10.23.18 AM.png


Schedule: https://www.cyclesandsex.com/schedule/

Speakers: https://www.cyclesandsex.com/speakers/

Marketplace: https://www.cyclesandsex.com/marketplace/

This event is the first time that thought leaders and innovators in the industry will be under one roof and communicating with the public. Speakers include but are not limited to; Emmy-award winner Ricki Lake and filmmaker Abby Epstein, celebrated activist Ericka Hart, former Daily Show writer and founder of The Lady Parts Justice League Lizz Winstead, co-founder of Well + Good Melisse Gelula and more. 

The event is brought to us by Brilliant Bodies founders, Ashley Spivak and Natalia Hailes, and Lauren Bille; activist, community builder and founding parter of the Big Quiet with support from BOBB Films’ Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein and The Pleasure Chest. 

Some interesting topics the event will address are: 

  • All you need to know about Egg Freezing at Egg Freezing 101.
  • Hormonal vs. Non-Hormonal birth control – hear both sides of the story and decide what’s best for you. 
  • Suffering from Endometriosis? PCOS? Cysts? PMS? Painful periods? Painful Sex? - Find out why and what you can do about it.
  • Period Sex – all you need to know about it. 
  • Ricki Lake + Abby Epstein will be around for Q&A’s – and previewing a sneak peak of their new hormonal birth control documentary. 
  • The Pleasure Chest will have sex-ed programming all day long. Only $10 for tickets. 
  • All you need to know about female orgasms from the woman who made the internal clitoris famous. 

#13: Menstrual Cups

This is the last episode of Season 1 of The Periodical. Jessie speaks with Morgan and Mullica about the learning curve with menstrual cups. Hanging out on a Friday night talking about menstrual cups unfolds hilarious stories including: beach traumas, the most obvious natural lubricant, and who has the highest cervix while menstruating.

#12: Aggravated Over Agrawal

Jessie and Trey dive into the scandal surrounding Thinx founder and CEO Miki Agrawal. What is the fallout of a feminist-minded, woman CEO facing assault allegations? What’s the line between familiarity in a body-positivite workplace and sexual harassment? How will this controversy affect the brand? And what about the fight for those edgy subway ads?!? Jessie and Trey discuss it all. 

Read the very detailed Racked Article here!

#11: Aunt Flow



Listeners can go to auntflow.org, customize their box, select a beneficiary organization, and use code THEPERIODICAL (no space, all caps) at checkout for their first box free (when they subscribe.)

Jessie interviews Lindsey McEntee, COO (Chief Ovulation Officer) of Aunt Flow.  Aunt Flow is a buy-one, give-one subscription box for 100% cotton tampons and pads. Listen in for a promo code to try Aunt Flow FREE! Jessie and Lindsey discuss stigma's within period culture and the challenges of creating a business based around menstruation stigma.


Aunt Flow is a buy-one, give-one subscription box for 100% cotton tampons and pads. Menstruators can go online, customize their box of 18 pieces, and have it delivered to their door each month. For every box they purchase, one is donated to a person without access to menstrual products in the US.

Follow Aunt Flow on Social Media @goauntflow


Lindsey is the COO (Chief Ovulation Officer) for the social enterprise Aunt Flow. She spends her days making period puns, answering flow mail, and fitting in as many Gilmore Girls episodes as possible. To chat about anything and everything menstruation, or Aunt Flow, contact her at lindsey@auntflow.org.

Follow Lindsey  IG: @lindseymcenteeofficial (joke... lol) Twitter: @lindseymcentee FB: Lindsey McEntee

#06: Male Housemates

SUBSCRIBE:   iTunes  |  Google Play

This week, Jessie Braun is joined by Tilly Pearce, a showbiz journalist from London. Together the girls discuss sex education in the U.K., bonding over P.C.O.S., and Tilly's journey to becoming confident about having periods with male housemates.

Tilly speaks about the UK advertised "skirt" tampons that Jessie has never heard of. In the US, Tampax advertises the "pearl" feature of the Tampax tampon. See skirt tampon below. 

If you want to learn more about Tilly and her work visit https://tillyjeanette.com/about/. Follow and tweet with Tilly on Twitter @tillyjeanette.

Tilly Jeanette Pearce and Jessie Braun_Love-XX:ThePeriodical_Podcast
UK advertised skirt Tampax tampon.

UK advertised skirt Tampax tampon.

#05: Menstruation with Mom

SUBSCRIBE:   iTunes  |  Google Play

Jessie and Lonnie Braun

 We all remember getting the infamous 'Talk'; it can be embarrassing and awkward and make you want to burrow away and never face the world again. This week, Jessie chats with her Mom Lonnie about their introductions to menstruation and the role education played with how comfortable they were with periods. Lonnie opens up about infertility, period tracking, and motherhood. Throughout the episode, they chat about everything from first period stories to cancer scares to that elusive menopause. The open and engaging conversation reminds us why, sometimes, we just need our Mommy's. 


#02: Blood Sisters

SUBSCRIBE:   itunes  |  google play

The first full episode of The Periodical starts with Love-xx’s Social Media Director, Malia Braun. Their discussion includes a tampon truancy, giant cartoon penises, and confusing period cramps with funnel cake/rollercoaster stomach pains. From shark attacks to firsts it’s all here when the Braun sisters get together on The Periodical.

Malia and Jessica Braun_ThePeriodical_Love-xx
Malia and Jessica Braun_ThePeriodical_Love-xx_Sisters


SUBSCRIBE:   iTunes  |  Google Play

Love-XX presents The Periodical -- a podcast where our host, Jessie Braun, speaks with people who want to advocate change, and stop the global menstruation stigma. Women spend about 8.5 years of their life bleeding and we want to talk about it. We believe there is empowerment in freely talking about our periods. We want to talk about things like: how is menstruation represented in pop culture? Why are we hiding tampons up our sleeves as we walk to the bathroom? What new hygiene technologies are in development? We are sharing period stories that need to be heard. This is Love-XX: The Periodical.